Zeugo Ref 201-300

More Zeugo! These teams were released between 2011 and 2013 (Please note that the team can represent or be labeled with a different team than what was on the official catalogue. All reference info was taken from official catalogues)
Also some references have multiple kits/variations in some cases so if you have one of these references but different kit/variation send them in!

Photos were taken from freely available sources
My thanks to following
Subbuteo World
Colin Forward
John Subbuteo Collector
Simon Goodman
Zeugo supporters club (unofficial)
Alan Morrison
And various ebay listings

All used in fair use and for educational purposes.

IF you have pictures of the any missing teams/references or have a variation and or spot them on the internet let me know. Also if you have a better picture or can take on of a single player that would also be really useful too
Please get in touch at
Twitter @Randomsh1t1471
Email: Forward9614@hotmail.co.uk
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556117504120